I've been waiting for so long to watch this trailer. I read the three books last year and I honestly liked the last two books more than the first one. However, I'm still very curious on how are they going tot urn this book into a movie. I the trailer, they didn't show the dirty scenes and I can't imagine how they're going to put those scenes in a movie. I'm still going to watch the movie to compare it to the book.
Dream Cast:
Matt Bomer as Christian Grey
Alexis Blendel as Ana Steele
Blake Lively as Kate Kavanagh
Paul Walker as Elliot Grey
Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey
He is very attractive. He is way better than Charlie for the role. His face looks too kind I believe. Not so intimidating. Christian looks more scary in a good way...like in an attractive way.
Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele
At first I didn't like her. She looked too old for the role. She doesn't look innocent but she sounds innocent. Did that make any sense? I thought I'd just give her a chance because what is done is done.
Eloise Mumford as Kate Kavanagh
She's pretty and I see her as Kate but I don't know how good or bad she acts so I can't really judge.
Luke Grimes as Elliot Grey
First of all I have a huge crush on Luke. However Elliot is older than Christian but Luke is younger than Jamie and looks younger too. I think that's a bit messed up.
Overall thoughts:
I was wrong about Dakota Johnson. I didn't really see her as Ana before but after watching the trailer, I'm really impressed. She may not look innocent in real life but she really potrayed the innocent Anastasia Steele really well. On the other side, Jamie Dornan looked really hot in the trailer but his voice...Uhh...It wasn't that intimidating I think. Aside from that, I still think he could be a the perfect Christian Grey. The new version of 'Crazy in love' by beyonce is beautiful and perfect for the movie. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!! Valentine's day 2015, come faster!!!!!!!
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