Hey friends,
I am finally going to leave blogger. It's not because I don't like it, but I want to try wordpress. It seems better from what other people say. I've been learning how to use it these past few weeks and I'm liking it so far. I won't delete this site, it's a big part of me. This is where I started talking more and more about books, this is where I connected with some authors, reviewed their books. For the authors that sent me their books, I still have them and I will try my best to read and review them soon, but I won't make any promises. Thank you to all who have been reading my posts here. If you want to check my new blog, here's the link: www.cchellereads.wordpress.com
I hope you all have a wonderful December,
Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 9, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Nanowrimo & other things

Things has been really hectic this past few days, I don't know how I'm still alive. On the positive note, I started writing Eventide (My story for Nanowrimo) and I have a beginning that could potentially be something bigger, but I am not planning on continuing it anytime soon, due to finals (of course). With that said, I won't be continuing Nanowrimo for the second year in a row. I also started to write this other story when I didn't have much inspiration for Eventide. I'm really proud of it and will continue writing whenever I can.

I kind of wish I wrote a book review on A Court of Thorns & Roses, I don't remember why I didn't and I regret it. I'm going to start reading the sequel which is huge by the way. It's the only book I'm planning on reading for the #TomeTopple Readathon and also for the rest of the semester.
I'm going to start setting up goals for next year. I know I don't always complete all those goals/challenges, but I'll make a list anyway.
That's it for now,
Rochelle A.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Book review: The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

Publication date: July 8th, 2014
Publisher: Henry Holt
Pages: 492
Rating: 3/5
GR Summary:
A princess must find her place in a reborn world.
She flees on her wedding day.
She steals ancient documents from the Chancellor's secret collection.
She is pursued by bounty hunters sent by her own father.
She is Princess Lia, seventeen, First Daughter of the House of Morrighan.
The Kingdom of Morrighan is steeped in tradition and the stories of a bygone world, but some traditions Lia can't abide. Like having to marry someone she's never met to secure a political alliance.
Fed up and ready for a new life, Lia flees to a distant village on the morning of her wedding. She settles in among the common folk, intrigued when two mysterious and handsome strangers arrive—and unaware that one is the jilted prince and the other an assassin sent to kill her. Deceptions swirl and Lia finds herself on the brink of unlocking perilous secrets—secrets that may unravel her world—even as she feels herself falling in love.
My review:
Let me start off by saying that the reason I did not read this book when everyone was talking about it is that I was scared that I might not enjoy it because of all the hype. Before I decided to read this book, the high expectations were pretty much still present. I didn't think I'll ever get rid of them, so I just read the book.
To be honest, it was a little hard to get into the story. What I mean by that is it didn't give me the feeling to want to know what happens next. It didn't make me flip the page. I constantly stopped reading. But I really wanted to finish it and I heard that the end is mindblowing, so I thought maybe the end will make me want to read the next book which might be better than this one. Unfortunately, the ending did not change my opinion about this book.
I had a hard time connecting with the characters, especially Lia, the main protagonist. That's a huge problem for me because if I don't connect with the hero, I can't really enjoy the story a lot.
Surprisingly, I did not hate the love triangle. I find that it was alright and I didn't not favour one over the other. They are both pretty much on the same level.
Again, I wanted this book to make me want to know who she'll end up with, but it didn't.
I wanted to see more of the bad guys of the story, but I guess I will get that in the next books. However, as of right now, I don't really feel like reading the sequels.
I'm disappointed, for sure, but I don't blame the writing style or the author. This book is loved by so many and my review does not mean it's a bad book. I really wanted to like this novel because like I said, a lot really enjoyed it.
For my overall rating, I give this book a 3/5 stars.

About the author:
I suppose I have always been enamored with story and character. My mother tells me I could be the most annoying little kid, waking up each day as a new character. Every morning she would have to ask me "who" I was for that day, because unless properly addressed I refused to answer anyone.
One time when I was about four years old, my parents were out shopping at Sears. They each thought the other had me by the hand when in fact I was exploring my own aisle (translation: I was lost!) Two salesladies found me and sat me on the counter, asking me my name so they could page my parents. I remember their consternation when I would only answer "Little Red Riding Hood." They couldn't shake my real name out of me no how, no way. I knew the value of persistence even then. My parents say they nearly fell over, when over the loud speaker they heard, "Would the parents of Little Red Riding Hood please come claim their child?" They knew exactly "who" was lost. These days I mostly wake up as myself, though I do seem to hang out with a lot of "characters" during the day.
Usually when people mention their education in their bios they only mention their college degrees, but to me, it is just as important what happened way before that. Wow--second grade! I will never forget Mrs. Alsenz. Boy, could she tell a great story! She would make them up and pretty soon have a classroom of wiggly kids exuberantly telling stories right along with her. And then there was Mrs. Bonsey in fourth grade. She always praised my writing and made a shy little girl feel like she might actually excel at something. And finally in twelfth grade came Mr. Kirk, crusty on the outside with a heart of gold on the inside, who loved the English language and taught his students to do the same. (Hey, Mr. Kirk, do you see me waving at ya?)
Later I went on to get a BFA from Long Beach State University in art. I worked for a time as an artist then started the most challenging job of my life--motherhood. Holy smokes, no one told me there would be no coffee breaks. But it is the most rewarding job I have ever had (watch out--I'll start dragging out the pictures)
Still later, I went to San Diego State University where I received my teaching credential. I went on to teach many different grades but it was my second grade students who pushed me back into writing. During Writing Workshop I would sit with them and write, loving the process, loving the stories, and lo and behold deciding I would love to return to my first love. That's a whole lot of lovin' going on and luckily for me I was able to do just that. Not that writing is easy. I have a huge stack of rejections to prove it, but I still have enough of that Little Red Riding Hood persistence in me to keep on going.
Now I write full time from my home in San Diego. My books to date are The Adoration of Jenna Fox, A Room on Lorelei Street, Scribbler of Dreams, and David v. God. More are definitely on the way.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
REFUSED TO REIGN [EXCERPT] by Constance Phillips

Today is the release day for Refused to Reign by Constance Phillips. I am so excited to share this paranormal romance with you. Check it out and enter her giveaway today!

About Refused to Reign: After his father’s death, Reider relinquished reign of the wolf pack to his brother Geoff, leaving everything—including Sable—behind, but refused to let go of the one thing his father ever gave him: the amulet that symbolized leadership. Six months later, Geoff is missing and the Conclave has called him to the Hotel Paranormal. They want him to take control of the Great Basin pack or hand over the amulet reserved for the alpha of the Great Basin Pack. Reider quickly learns the amulet is coveted by many. Can Reider unravel the mystery and find his brother or will he submit to Sable and the Conclave and reclaim his reign.
Get your copy today! Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Refused-Reign-Paranormal-Constance-Phillips-ebook/dp/B01LIB95W8/ref=sr_1_1?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1475596332&sr=8-1&keywords=refused+to+reign
Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/refused-to-reign-constance-phillips/1124621954?ean=2940153515717
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/refused-to-reign
ARE: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-refusedtoreign-2115820-140.html

Connect with Constance:
Website: http://www.constancephillips.com
Blog: http://www.blog.constancephillips.com
Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/ConstancePhillipsRomanceAuthor/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cmphillips1967/?hl=en
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CPhillips
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/phillipsconnie/
Tumblr: http://constancephillips.tumblr.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6470282.Constance_Phillips Newsletter sign up: http://eepurl.com/o_c6f
Enter Constance’s Giveaway: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Release Day Launch: Refused to Reign by Constance Phillips
Refused to Reign:
After his father’s death, Reider relinquished reign of the wolf pack to his brother Geoff, leaving everything—including Sable—behind, but refused to let go of the one thing his father ever gave him: the amulet that symbolized leadership. Six months later, Geoff is missing and the Conclave has called him to the Hotel Paranormal. They want him to take control of the Great Basin pack or hand over the amulet reserved for the alpha of the Great Basin Pack. Reider quickly learns the amulet is coveted by many.
Can Reider unravel the mystery and find his brother or will he submit to Sable and the Conclave and reclaim his reign.
Constance Phillips Bio:
Constance Phillips lives in Ohio with her husband, daughter, and four canine kids where she writes contemporary romance novels and paranormal romance novels.
When not writing stories of finding and rediscovering love, Constance and her husband spend the hours planning a cross-country motorcycle trip for the not-so-distant future…if they can find a sidecar big enough for the pups.
Giveaway Details:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Buy Links:
Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/refused-to-reign-constance-phillips/1124621954?ean=2940153515717
Website: http://www.constancephillips.com
Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/ConstancePhillipsRomanceAuthor/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CPhillips
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/phillipsconnie/
Newsletter sign up: http://eepurl.com/o_c6f
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Nanowrimo 2016
I'm participating in this year's NANOWRIMO. Let's just hope I can write 50,000 words since I didn't make it last fall. My month will be busy as usual because of school, but you know what? It doesn't matter because I really want to write this story I have in mind. For the first time ever, I'm not writing a contemporary romance. I have ideas in that genre, but I'm just really tired of contemporary because I feel like whatever I write is so typical and cheesy and I don't like either of those things. I also want to step out of my comfort zone. The novel that I will write this November is a zombie apocalypse type of story. This novel is inspired by, of course, The Walking Dead. It is not a fanfiction because the only things I took from the tv series are the zombies and the way zombies are killed. Anyway, this is the current cover of the story I will write. I do not know the girl in the picture. I just found this photo on Pinterest. The title is "EVENTIDE" which means "evening". I called it that because something happens every evening/night in the story. That's all I could say for now. I can't wait to start writing!
For those who are participating, GOOD LUCK! <3
For those who are participating, GOOD LUCK! <3
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Currently reading:
I'm really liking TLOTR, but I wish I could take my time reading it because there is so much info. Right now, I have to rush a little bit because I have an essay and an exam on the first book soon. It's so annoying!!!
One thing that bothers me is that every time I read, I always think about the movie and what's even more annoying is when some of the characters I like in the book are not in the movies (e.g. Tom Bombadil and Glorfindel) Another thing that bothers me is that Frodo is old in the book and in the movies, he is young (It's not really a major spoiler, but if it is for you, I let you to get mad at me rn). Overall, it's really interesting.
My prof said that The Awakening is a "page turner". I don't completely disagree because the chapters in this book are relatively short which is GOOD, but it's not a page turner for me. After I read a chapter, I'm not curious to find out what's going to happen next because I find it kind of predictable. Based on the introduction talking about Kate Chopin's life and how the main character in the book is, I kind of knew what's to come. Nevertheless, I don't hate this book at all.
Wolf Girl and Black Prince, I just don't have much time for it which sucks because I really want to finish this series. I already finished watching the entire anime, but I want to read all volumes too. Hopefully SOOON!
I'm currently on the Sleeping Beauty part of this fairy tale book and I'm loving it. Sleeping Beauty is not my favourite princess, but after reading all these different versions, I had this great idea earlier today that I want to write my own version. I think I'm going to write that during Nanowrimo. Yeah? Yes.
- The Lord of the Rings (Almost done with the Fellowship of the Ring)
- The Awakening by Kate Chopin
- Wold Girl and Black Prince Vol. 5
- Folk & Fairy Tales
I'm really liking TLOTR, but I wish I could take my time reading it because there is so much info. Right now, I have to rush a little bit because I have an essay and an exam on the first book soon. It's so annoying!!!
One thing that bothers me is that every time I read, I always think about the movie and what's even more annoying is when some of the characters I like in the book are not in the movies (e.g. Tom Bombadil and Glorfindel) Another thing that bothers me is that Frodo is old in the book and in the movies, he is young (It's not really a major spoiler, but if it is for you, I let you to get mad at me rn). Overall, it's really interesting.
My prof said that The Awakening is a "page turner". I don't completely disagree because the chapters in this book are relatively short which is GOOD, but it's not a page turner for me. After I read a chapter, I'm not curious to find out what's going to happen next because I find it kind of predictable. Based on the introduction talking about Kate Chopin's life and how the main character in the book is, I kind of knew what's to come. Nevertheless, I don't hate this book at all.
Wolf Girl and Black Prince, I just don't have much time for it which sucks because I really want to finish this series. I already finished watching the entire anime, but I want to read all volumes too. Hopefully SOOON!
I'm currently on the Sleeping Beauty part of this fairy tale book and I'm loving it. Sleeping Beauty is not my favourite princess, but after reading all these different versions, I had this great idea earlier today that I want to write my own version. I think I'm going to write that during Nanowrimo. Yeah? Yes.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
I'm back?

Hey guys!
Ah, I've missed blogging. I know it's been only a few months since my last post, but I feel like it's been forever.
Before making the decision to start blogging again, I considered switching into wordpress. I've had an account there for a while, but I still can't figure out how to use it. So, I'm just going to stay with blogger.
I have new review copies and I still have the old ones. I do plan on reading and reviewing them, I just don't know when. I am also going to participate in Nanowrimo again and I'm so pumped!
I just want to keep myself busy.
I also miss blogging in general and reading review copies, participating in blog tours, reviewing books, etc.
Over the last few months, my reading tastes changed quite a bit. I started reading mangas and I really find them entertaining. I also bought the Harry Potter box set if I didn't tell you guys already. So far this year, I've read a lot of classics, more than I expected and I've been so into Historical Fiction too.
I'm happy that I got to read outside my comfort zone over the past few months. I'm looking forward to posting more here. Stay tuned!
Have a great week!
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Goodbye For Now
Hey readers!
I don't know if you'll read this, but I'll leave a message anyways.
I haven't been active for a while now and I don't think I will be for an indefinite time. I don't write reviews as much as I did before. I still have review copies from authors and I apologized if I still haven't written reviews for those books. I appreciate you taking the time to send a copy to me. Unfortunately, I've been really busy at school and my reading taste also changed throughout the year.
I'm now active on tumblr again.
Follow me on www.ellescapereality.tumblr.com
I don't really write reviews there, but I reblog a bunch of book related things, so check it out.
Until we meet again!
I don't know if you'll read this, but I'll leave a message anyways.
I haven't been active for a while now and I don't think I will be for an indefinite time. I don't write reviews as much as I did before. I still have review copies from authors and I apologized if I still haven't written reviews for those books. I appreciate you taking the time to send a copy to me. Unfortunately, I've been really busy at school and my reading taste also changed throughout the year.
I'm now active on tumblr again.
Follow me on www.ellescapereality.tumblr.com
I don't really write reviews there, but I reblog a bunch of book related things, so check it out.
Until we meet again!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
So, my blog is pretty much turning into my diary... for now anyways.
It's currently 11:26pm here and I've been trying to write poems since 7:30pm (with breaks of course). Honestly, it's so difficult to find inspirations and to choose the right words. So, my advice would be to write everything that comes to mind and start from there. I did this a few times and the second time, I ended up with:
I hit my leg
I hit my nose
I start to bleed
Like a waterfall
It sucks to be
A clumsy bee
Totally random, but hey, it sounds pretty good... I guess. haha.
But I ended up writing about LOVE because that's where I'm more creative.
I'm literally obsessed with All I Ask by Adele and You Don't Own Me by Grace. It's crazy. I don't think I'll ever know what are the types of music I like to listen to. It really depends on my mood really; sometimes I would listen to heavy metal, other times I'd listen to old 70s, 80s and 90s songs. So, it all depends.
And about today, I actually planned to reach the 100 pages mark of Lolita, but that didn't happen because school and I was with my friend most of the time. Hopefully I'll be able to read more tomorrow.
Okay, enough for now. This is totally random. I might write an update again tomorrow.
It's currently 11:26pm here and I've been trying to write poems since 7:30pm (with breaks of course). Honestly, it's so difficult to find inspirations and to choose the right words. So, my advice would be to write everything that comes to mind and start from there. I did this a few times and the second time, I ended up with:
I hit my leg
I hit my nose
I start to bleed
Like a waterfall
It sucks to be
A clumsy bee
Totally random, but hey, it sounds pretty good... I guess. haha.
But I ended up writing about LOVE because that's where I'm more creative.
I'm literally obsessed with All I Ask by Adele and You Don't Own Me by Grace. It's crazy. I don't think I'll ever know what are the types of music I like to listen to. It really depends on my mood really; sometimes I would listen to heavy metal, other times I'd listen to old 70s, 80s and 90s songs. So, it all depends.
And about today, I actually planned to reach the 100 pages mark of Lolita, but that didn't happen because school and I was with my friend most of the time. Hopefully I'll be able to read more tomorrow.
Okay, enough for now. This is totally random. I might write an update again tomorrow.
Totally Should've Book TAG
[ Created by emmmabooks from Youtube ]
1. Totally should've gotten a sequel
Nantucket Blue Duology by Leila Howland. I honestly really enjoyed this summery read and I still want to go back into the story. I really want a third book!
2. Totally should've had a spin off series
The Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi. There are some characters in this series that I really enjoyed reading about and I wouldn't mind if Tahereh Mafi decides to write a series or a standalone on a character from her first trilogy.
3. An author who totally should write more books
L.A. Weatherly. Ahhh. I LOVED the Angel Series! It's so underrated, but I totally enjoyed reading about Willow and Alex and half angels. Anyway, that's the only series/books that L.A. Weatherly wrote as far as I know. I really hope she writes more books in the future!!!
4. A character who totally should've ended up with someone else
Oh, yes. So many series. Let's see. I didn't like how these series ended because the guy I rooted for since the beginning doesn't end up with the female protagonist: "The Summer I Turned Pretty" "Shatter Me" "Trylle"
5. Totally should've ended differently
Besides those books, uhhhhh Allegiant. It should've definitely ended differently.
6. Totally should've had a movie franchise
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. If it's not yet happening.
7. Totally should've had a TV show
The Rosemary Beach Series by Abbi Glines. Hhaha if it ever happens, it should be entertaining with all the drama this series contain.
8. Totally should've had only one point of view
The Summer I Turned Pretty, just because I didn't want to know what the two brothers think. I just hate one of them and I feel bad for the other, so it was awful reading their POV. Lame excuse, I know.
9. Totally should have a cover change
10. Totally should've kept the original covers
All movie covers on books I guess.
11. Totally should've stopped at book one
Bared To You by Sylvia Day. Enough said.
1. Totally should've gotten a sequel
Nantucket Blue Duology by Leila Howland. I honestly really enjoyed this summery read and I still want to go back into the story. I really want a third book!
2. Totally should've had a spin off series
The Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi. There are some characters in this series that I really enjoyed reading about and I wouldn't mind if Tahereh Mafi decides to write a series or a standalone on a character from her first trilogy.
3. An author who totally should write more books
L.A. Weatherly. Ahhh. I LOVED the Angel Series! It's so underrated, but I totally enjoyed reading about Willow and Alex and half angels. Anyway, that's the only series/books that L.A. Weatherly wrote as far as I know. I really hope she writes more books in the future!!!
4. A character who totally should've ended up with someone else
Oh, yes. So many series. Let's see. I didn't like how these series ended because the guy I rooted for since the beginning doesn't end up with the female protagonist: "The Summer I Turned Pretty" "Shatter Me" "Trylle"
5. Totally should've ended differently
Besides those books, uhhhhh Allegiant. It should've definitely ended differently.
6. Totally should've had a movie franchise
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. If it's not yet happening.
7. Totally should've had a TV show
The Rosemary Beach Series by Abbi Glines. Hhaha if it ever happens, it should be entertaining with all the drama this series contain.
8. Totally should've had only one point of view
The Summer I Turned Pretty, just because I didn't want to know what the two brothers think. I just hate one of them and I feel bad for the other, so it was awful reading their POV. Lame excuse, I know.
9. Totally should have a cover change
10. Totally should've kept the original covers
All movie covers on books I guess.
11. Totally should've stopped at book one
Bared To You by Sylvia Day. Enough said.
Currently Reading
I have three more weeks of school!!!! YAY!
I'm trying to not stress myself out. It's currently 2:07am and I can't sleep, so I decided to write about what I'm currently reading.
So, based on my currently-reading shelf on Goodreads, I'm reading Lolita and A Little Life. Besides those two books, I'm listening to the audiobook version of The Siren by Kiera Cass and honestly the girl's voice sounds like Barbie's. lol.
I also started reading Tatiana and Alexander by Paullina Simons, but I haven't picked it up in two weeks.
I have a ton of unread books on my shelf and I still don't know what to read that will help my reading challenge. I need a quick read, but I'm not really in the mood for young adult and those are the ones I can read quickly.
What to do?
I have three more weeks of school!!!! YAY!
I'm trying to not stress myself out. It's currently 2:07am and I can't sleep, so I decided to write about what I'm currently reading.
So, based on my currently-reading shelf on Goodreads, I'm reading Lolita and A Little Life. Besides those two books, I'm listening to the audiobook version of The Siren by Kiera Cass and honestly the girl's voice sounds like Barbie's. lol.
I also started reading Tatiana and Alexander by Paullina Simons, but I haven't picked it up in two weeks.
I have a ton of unread books on my shelf and I still don't know what to read that will help my reading challenge. I need a quick read, but I'm not really in the mood for young adult and those are the ones I can read quickly.
What to do?
Thursday, April 21, 2016
HELLO, again!
Hey readers!
Ah, it's been a while. I really really miss blogging and writing book reviews. Now that my semester is ending and summer is coming up, I'll start posting more on my blog.
I am planning to take two summer courses, so that I will only have six classes in my next two semesters. I just feel like seven is too much for me. I mean I can handle it, but there's always that one class that I do not focus on a lot because I have too much to do in other classes. Sooo... yeah. But I will still have time to read hopefully yes...yes.. I'll have time to read... It's only two classes...two intensive classes...ah.. we'll see.
Anyway, I'm currently behind my reading goal on goodreads and I'm a little stressed out with that. I will be participating in the upcoming readathons and hopefully that will help me catch up.
This Saturday is the Dewey's 24hour readathon and I'll be reading Possession by A.S. Byatt, Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino and Lolita by Nabokov.
Talk to you guys soon,
Ah, it's been a while. I really really miss blogging and writing book reviews. Now that my semester is ending and summer is coming up, I'll start posting more on my blog.
I am planning to take two summer courses, so that I will only have six classes in my next two semesters. I just feel like seven is too much for me. I mean I can handle it, but there's always that one class that I do not focus on a lot because I have too much to do in other classes. Sooo... yeah. But I will still have time to read hopefully yes...yes.. I'll have time to read... It's only two classes...two intensive classes...ah.. we'll see.
Anyway, I'm currently behind my reading goal on goodreads and I'm a little stressed out with that. I will be participating in the upcoming readathons and hopefully that will help me catch up.
This Saturday is the Dewey's 24hour readathon and I'll be reading Possession by A.S. Byatt, Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino and Lolita by Nabokov.
Talk to you guys soon,
Friday, February 5, 2016
Review: Shuffle (Ruby Riot #2) by Lisa Swallow

Genre: New Adult Romance/ Contemporary
Publication date: January 28th, 2016
Rating: 3/5
With Ruby Riot on a break, Will Campbell, Ruby Riot bassist, returns to university to finish his degree and fails badly at everything apart from partying. He needs major help if he wants to pass his final year and attempts to join a not-very-rock star study group. Will is horrified to discover the person organizing the group is Fleur Roberts, the girl he's secretly crushed on for two years and who recently threatened him with a restraining order.
Fleur's rock stars are history academics. She has no interest in any variety of pierced, tattooed slacker, especially not the jackass rock star who humiliated her at a party. There's no way in hell that Will Campbell is joining her group.
Faced with losing the easiest way to fix his academic problems, Will has the perfect solution: pretend he's his twin, Nate. Will and Nate have swapped identities before so nothing can go wrong. Surely.
Fleur is successful academically, but her love life is a failure. Following a number of disastrous dates, she finds herself falling in love with a guy who is lying to her. But Will's deceit isn't the only thing about to shatter her world. When another man Fleur trusted betrays her, and she attempts to retaliate, Fleur discovers how dangerous he is. And when Will becomes involved, the repercussions threaten both of their futures.
My review:
ARC received by Inkslinger in exchange for an honest review
This book is about a musician named Will trying to get the girl (Fleur) he'd had a crush on for two years by pretending to be his identical twin Nate.
I found this book entertaining in some parts, especially the whole drama about Fleur not knowing which twin she's addressing to. I liked how Will is so determined to be good enough for Fleur and for not giving up even after she hated his guts.
It's not a bad romance novel and many readers could enjoy this book a lot, but it just isn't for me.
I didn't like the main character Fleur at all. She's so confused about her life in my opinion and I didn't like how she handled so many things.
To add more to that, the way the author wrote about Nate and Will's bromance is probably supposed to look cute or relatable, but I just found it weird. I thought Nate is the good brother and Will is the bad one, but then it's the other way around. I wasn't pleased with the relationship between the twins.
I recommend this book to romance readers looking for entertainment. I would suggest to not read this book if you've read romance novels in the past week or so because you'll get annoyed since there are some similar aspects you'll find predictable and probably a little cheesy.
Amazon US - http://bit.ly/CadenceUS
Amazon UK - http://bit.ly/CadenceUK
Amazon AUS - http://bit.ly/CadenceAU
Amazon CAN - http://bit.ly/CadenceCAN

Lisa’s first publication was a moving poem about the rain, followed by a suspenseful story about shoes. Following these successes at nine years old there was a long gap in her writing career, until she published her first book in 2013.
In the past, Lisa worked as an English teacher in France, as an advertising copywriter in England, and ran her own business in Australia. Now she spends her days with imaginary rock stars.
She lived in Europe as a child and also travelled when she left university. This has given Lisa stories which would sound far-fetched if she wrote them down, and maybe one day she will. These days, Lisa is happy in her writing cave, under Tilly’s supervision.AUTHOR LINKS:
- Website: http://lisaswallow.net
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/lisaswallowbooks
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/lisa_swallow_au
- Newsletter sign up: http://eepurl.com/Po81D
- Amazon page: amazon.com/author/lisaswallow
- Blue Phoenix Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BluePhoenixSeries
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Friday, January 22, 2016
UPDATE: Changes!
Hey readers!
I'm sorry for being gone for a while. I won't make any excuses, I just wasn't motivated to blog. I want to make some changes on this blog and it might take a little while. First, I want to change my new year bookish resolution because I'm finding it impossible to accomplish all of the things I wanted to do at the beginning of the year.
I'm giving up the 2016 PopSugar Reading Challenge because right now, I'm doing a lot of challenges and it gets really confusing and stressful.
I will keep the 120 books in 2016 for now. However, it will probably change during the semester when I don't get enough time to read.
I will still buy less than 35 physical books this year and I'm actually doing pretty well on that because I haven't bought any books "for pleasure" yet.
I'll try to finish series that I have already started. I will give you guys an update on that probably during the summer or the end of the year.
Okay, so I haven't been doing the resolution "Write a book review/week". I'm completely failing. I'm just writing some book reviews on Goodreads right now.
The books I've received for review are still unread on my kindle/iBooks. I'm trying to really motivate myself to read them. I just don't want to read them when I don't feel like reading that genre because I might end up hating the book.
I'm still planning to reread some books and give books I've DNF'ed another chance.
I haven't started reading the Bible yet. Hopefully soon though.
Right now, I'm reading Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan. I like the story, but I'm not really in the mood for fantasy, so I'm not reading it as fast and I'm not quite motivated to read it when I get the chance.
I can't tell you when I'll be posting next since school just started for me.
I'm really active on instagram, so if you want to see what I'm up to, follow @biblioaddict.
That's it for now.
Have a good weekend! (:
I'm sorry for being gone for a while. I won't make any excuses, I just wasn't motivated to blog. I want to make some changes on this blog and it might take a little while. First, I want to change my new year bookish resolution because I'm finding it impossible to accomplish all of the things I wanted to do at the beginning of the year.
I'm giving up the 2016 PopSugar Reading Challenge because right now, I'm doing a lot of challenges and it gets really confusing and stressful.
I will keep the 120 books in 2016 for now. However, it will probably change during the semester when I don't get enough time to read.
I will still buy less than 35 physical books this year and I'm actually doing pretty well on that because I haven't bought any books "for pleasure" yet.
I'll try to finish series that I have already started. I will give you guys an update on that probably during the summer or the end of the year.
Okay, so I haven't been doing the resolution "Write a book review/week". I'm completely failing. I'm just writing some book reviews on Goodreads right now.
The books I've received for review are still unread on my kindle/iBooks. I'm trying to really motivate myself to read them. I just don't want to read them when I don't feel like reading that genre because I might end up hating the book.
I'm still planning to reread some books and give books I've DNF'ed another chance.
I haven't started reading the Bible yet. Hopefully soon though.
Right now, I'm reading Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan. I like the story, but I'm not really in the mood for fantasy, so I'm not reading it as fast and I'm not quite motivated to read it when I get the chance.
I can't tell you when I'll be posting next since school just started for me.
I'm really active on instagram, so if you want to see what I'm up to, follow @biblioaddict.
That's it for now.
Have a good weekend! (:
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Today we are sharing a chapter from SHUFFLE by Lisa Swallow. This is a contemporary romance title and the second book in the series Ruby Riot! The book will be released January 28th and it is available for pre-order now, exclusively through amazon.
Will Campbell, Ruby Riot bassist, is back at university and failing badly at everything apart from partying.
With Ruby Riot on a break, Will returns to university to finish his degree. He needs major help if he wants to pass his final year and attempts to join a not-very-rock star study group. Will is horrified to discover the person organising the group is Fleur Roberts, the girl he’s secretly crushed on for two years and who recently threatened him with a restraining order.
Fleur’s rock stars are history academics. She has no interest in any variety of pierced, tattooed slacker, especially not the jackass rock star who humiliated her at a party. There’s no way in Hell that Will Campbell is joining her group.
Faced with losing the easiest way to fix his academic problems, Will has the perfect solution: pretend he’s his twin, Nate. Will and Nate have swapped identities before so nothing can go wrong. Surely.
Fleur is successful academically, but her love life is a failure. Following a number of disastrous dates, she finds herself falling in love with a guy who is lying to her. But Will’s deceit isn’t the only thing about to shatter her world. When another man Fleur trusted betrays her, and she attempts to retaliate, Fleur discovers how dangerous he is. And when Will becomes involved, the repercussions threaten both of their futures.
Shuffle is the second standalone book in the Ruby Riot series and can be read separately to the first book.
Pre-Order Exclusive to Amazon
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Purchase the previous book in the series
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WILL Touring with Blue Phoenix fooled us into thinking we’d hit the big time and would never return to our ordinary lives again. Yeah, Ruby Riot dominates our corner of the music scene, we’re bombarded with questions and posts on social media, fan mail, and the whole deal. But, at the end of the day, we’re three guys and a girl in a band. The band’s progress halted and life rewound when our lead singer, Ruby, danced off into the sunset with the Blue Phoenix guitarist and a baby on the way. Jax lost his shit over Ruby getting knocked up by Jem; but what’s the point in freaking out? She’ll come back; Ruby lives and breathes her music more than any of us. Apart from Jax, who was recently caught in feminine wiles of his own. Tegan, Bryn Hughes sister, kicked his backside into line in a spectacular fashion. I can almost see the thumbprint on his forehead. Things lulled as we finished the album and while Ruby has her baby. Then, we try again. So, me and Nate rewind several months, back to studying and fulfilling our promise to parents. Mine still think we need a back-up plan for when our little musical venture fails. If they’d bothered to pay attention to our lives over the last few months, Mum and Dad would know this isn’t likely to happen any time soon. We spent all our money from the tour within weeks. Now the choice is a job, which equals less time and energy to rehearse, or doing what the parents want and dutifully completing our degrees. No big deal, only a year left now. Okay, big deal because I fucked up last year. I need high marks in all my courses this year or I’m going to fail my degree. An Arts degree. Nobody fails an Arts degree. Living the rock star dream involved more than the odd weekend gig – rehearsals, obligatory partying, and girls. Hangovers equal missed lectures; but somehow, Nate juggled his student/rock star life as adeptly as his drumsticks. Nate studies the same course as I do, but we choose different class times. As only a handful of people in the world can tell us apart, between us we manage to attend at least one of the classes a week and keep our attendance average. Nate became slack at note-taking last year, his hungover haze interfering with the ability to open his laptop, but somehow he muddled through and passed. I came a tiny percentage away from failing the majority of courses. I only have myself to blame. The worst subject is history. Nate talked me into this as our major, and I agreed, thought it would be easy, but no. Hardly any classes to attend, but so much fucking study. We study English lit too; that’s easier to scrape through by reading notes and creating my own crazy theories. History is bloody complicated. Two weeks in, and things are off to a bad start. “Shit!” I throw my paper at Nate, across the table in the cafe. He looks at the assignment-marking sheet on the front and screws his nose up. “Oh, man. Fifteen percent? Was that for getting your name right?” “I’m fucked!” I grumble and sit next to him. “What about you?” “Sixty-three percent.” “How? How do you do that?” “Study?” “I do study!” “Study more.” I swear under my breath and pull out my phone. A text from Dee, the chick I hooked up with at the beginning of term; a starry-eyed Fresher who won’t take the hint I’m not interested. Times like this, I need to remind myself who I am. Will Campbell, bass player for Ruby Riot heading for the big time. Not Will Campbell, failing Arts student trying to keep his parents happy. “What the fuck do I do? I tried this time! Really tried. I’m shit at history.” “Man, if coming back to uni sucks this much, find a job instead.” No way. As long as I’m here, I have cash flow from my parents. I promised that when Ruby Riot started making more money, I’d pay them back a thousand times over. Behind their smiles of agreement, I see what they really think: never going to happen. “I can’t. I’m not doing some shitty job at a supermarket while I wait for Ruby to come back to the band.” “Well, suck it up, princess. Keeps Mum and Dad off our backs if we get a ‘proper’ qualification.” “When do you think they’ll believe we can make a living from the band?” “When we actually do. The album launches next month, we have a few small gigs lined up. A bit of cash. Ruby’s coming.” “With her kid?” “Dunno. Maybe baby-daddy Jem will come and babysit.” I laugh; we both do, at the image of Jem Jones – bad-mouthed, bad attitude, reformed addict – with a baby as his new accessory. “I’d pay to see that. Reckon he changes nappies?” Nate screws his face up. “Dude, I’m eating.” I steal one of his chips and watch the other students around. Most pay little attention to us, although we have hangers-on some days. Their belief we’re partying rock stars draws them to us, and the partying is one of the reason for my bad grades. Nate slurps from his can of energy drink. “There’s a study group if you’re that worried.” I stare. “Study group? Are you mad? I suppose that’s a group of chicks who meet in the evenings in the library and argue about feminist interpretations of history. Like the one in my class, can’t remember her name. Jeez, she doesn’t shut up and the guy teaching the class hardly gets a word in. No wonder I’m not learning anything.” “Just a suggestion.” He pushes my paper across the table. “Fail this semester and you’ll be stacking supermarket shelves.” “As if! What about the album? We’re gonna be big.” “There’s no guarantee, you know that.” Nate stands. “Whose turn is it to go to the Shakespeare class this afternoon? Yours?” “Oh crap, no, please don’t make me sit through that again. I bloody hate Shakespeare.” I stand too. “Your name sake? No affinity there? What did you expect when you signed up for Lit as part of your degree?” “Please,” I beg. “Do this. After that shit mark, I’m not in the mood.” Nate wrinkles his nose at my pleading look. “Fine, but you do the next two classes.” “I love you, man.” I grab the side of his face and kiss his cheek hard. Nate pushes me off. “Jesus, Will!” He hauls his messenger bag across his shoulders and wanders away. Slumping back in my seat, I chew my lip. Study group sounds like a viable option. Unfortunately.BOOK SALE

The Blue Phoenix Set is on sale now!
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---------------------AUTHOR INFORMATION:

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Monday, January 4, 2016
Book Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Publication date: September 13th, 2011
Publisher: Harvill Secker
Pages: 512
Rating: 5/5
The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called "Le Cirque des Reves," and it is only open at night.
But behind the scenes, a fierce competition is underway--a duel between two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who have been trained since childhood expressly for this purpose by their mercurial instructors. Unbeknownst to them, this is a game in which only one can be left standing, and the circus is but the stage for a remarkable battle of imagination and will. Despite themselves, however, Celia and Marco tumble headfirst into love - a deep, magical love that makes the lights flicker and the room grow warm whenever they so much as brush hands.
True love or not, the game must play out, and the fates of everyone involved, from the cast of extraordinary circus per-formers to the patrons, hang in the balance, suspended as precariously as the daring acrobats overhead.
My review:
"Marco lifts his hand to brush a stray curl away from Celia's face, tucking it behind her ear and stroking her cheek with his fingertips."
In my opinion, The Night Circus is one of those books that demands the reader's complete attention because there are so many informations and details to remember in order to fully understand the story. Also, I took my time reading this book because I wanted to stay in the magical world and in the atmosphere Erin Morgenstern created. It's so entertaining, magical and interesting that you just want to live in it.
I don't read a lot of magical realism books and I was intimidated by this book when I first heard of it last year. I thought that it wasn't for me and that I wouldn't be able to finish it, but now, a year later, this book just made my favourite list and I'm really glad I finally read it and experienced this amazing and magical journey.
I will definitely reread this book in the future because I know that there are some tiny details that I've missed and also because I really really enjoyed reading about all the characters in this book and the plot is amazing overall.
"When all of this is over, no matter which one of us wins, I will not let you go so easily."
I have to admit that the dates are a little confusing. When the story shifts to Bailey and then back to the two main characters, I was kind of lost, but it got easier towards the end so, don't worry.
The romance in this book was a little like the insta-love trope that a lot of readers, including me hate, but surprisingly I find it really really cute and sweet in this novel. I was swooning while reading the scenes when Marco and Celia were together. The love story is just wonderful!
Another thing, I found out that this particular book was written during Nanowrimo and that fact just motivates me to do better and to write a book in 30 days.
Finally, I recommend this book to readers who wants to read something different or something out of their comfort zone. Like I said before, I don't really read Magical Realism, but I still enjoyed reading this, so if you are exploring for new genres, give this book a try.

Erin Morgenstern is a writer and a multimedia artist, who describes all her work as "fairy tales in one way or another." She grew up in Marshfield, Massachusetts. She currently lives in Boston, Massachusetts with two very fluffy cats.
Website: http://erinmorgenstern.com/
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