Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday: Book I'm hoping to read this week

Hey guys!
I had to edit this post because the last one was not well done. I did it quickly on my Ipad last Sunday because I was watching the Golden Globes. I'm sorry. 

Anyways, I really want to read a lot of books this week but sadly I can't because of many exams coming up. For "Le Survenant" by Germaine Guèvremont, the book I'm obligated to read for French class, I'm reading one chapter a day and I think that's a pretty smart thing to do because I basically have to re-read a chapter twice before knowing what actually happened in that chapter. I'm having a hard time understanding D:

I'm going to finish reading 32 seconds by  
I'm writing a story called "Reason to Love". It's a NA Contemporary Romance. I 'm thinking of writing a trilogy but I'm not sure how this story will end yet. I wrote a big part of the first chapter but I'm not sure I'll post it anytime soon. I will edit it as best as I could and post it on Wattpad. This are the three main characters of my story. 

Have a nice day! (:

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